Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chess - Pawn Promotion Moves

We just talked about how the Pawn chess piece can be very powerful.

There are several examples to prove that the Pawn chess piece promotion, when put into action, is powerful.

Two Queens put King in Check
after the pawn exchanges
In this scenario, the White is "only" a Pawn ahead. It is Whites move, and the Pawn is moved to the last row. This Pawn is exchanged for a Queen and the new Queen puts the King in check. This is a simple move that illustrates the power of the Pawn.

Bishop and extra Queen checkmate
In the second scenario, the Pawn chess piece proves to be very valuable. In studying the next diagram, you will see what would happen if the Pawn was there and if the Pawn was not there. If the Pawn was not there, the White Bishop could not force a checkmate. The Black King would always be able to escape.

But with the Pawn on the board, this gives White the last edge and White can win. All White needs to do is move the Pawn to the last row, and exchange the Pawn for a Queen (promoted Pawn). The Bishop now can use the Queen to force a checkmate and win!

None of this could be completed if there was no Pawn to promote a Queen. Just try not to loose the Pawn or the new Queen. :)

In this last scenario, the next point is clearly made. Black promotes a Queen by advancing his
New  promoted Queen, Knight
and black King checkmate
pawn to the eighth row.

The White Knight captures the new Queen. The Black Knight captures the White Knight.

This situation sets up for a very easy win for Black. The Black Knight and Black King transports the last Pawn to the last row. Another Queen is promoted, and the White King is eventually defeated by the new Black Queen, the Knight, and the Black King.
Sacrifice of one Pawn

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