Tuesday, November 29, 2011

CheckMate with Two Bishops

We said in the previous blog "Rook checkmate", that the basic checkmate can only be accomplished  with the opponent King on the side rows. When the Queen or Rook chess pieces are Checkmating, it does not matter which square the King is located on.

But when you checkmate with two Bishops, the King has to be located in a corner of the chessboard. See the diagram.

Bishops Force Checkmate
This is a perfect Checkmate position with the Bishops forcing the checkmate. There is no way to get the King out of check. The White King and the White Bishops are controlling every square that the Black King could move to.

Remember, the Bishop chess piece only moves diagonally. Check out the diagram. One White Bishop has the Black King in check. If the Black King moves to one square, the other Bishop can capture him. If the Black King moves to the other square, the White King can capture him. There are only 3 moves for the Black King, and all 3 squares that he can move to are controlled by the White chess pieces. Review the King chess piece moves.


The Black King is Checkmated!
Game over!
The White Chess Pieces win!

Next:  Checkmate with a Bishop and Knight chess pieces.


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